Acorus calamus 'Variegata'
(Variegated Japanese Sweet Flag)
An evergreen glass-like
plant with glossy, dark green leaves variegated with a
vertical creamy yellow-white stripe. Leaves are 1/2"
wide and grow to 3'-4' tall. The foliage arises from
slowly spreading, non-invasive rhizomes. It will grow in
full sun or light shade but must be kept moist. Excellent
subject for container planting. Hardy zone 7 to 10.
gramineus 'Ogon's Gold' (Golden
Variegated Sweet Flag)
A low-growing
perennial. The thin iris-like foliage, variegated
longitudinally with bright butter yellow stripes, forms
in fan-like clusters to 6-12 inches tall. The
inconspicuous flower spathes are 2-8 inches long. This
plant spreads by rhizomes but is not invasive. It is an
excellent foliage plant for the waterside edge or shallow
ponds. Useful massed or as an accent; use it to lighten a
dark area of a pond. Plant in full sun to shade to
part-shade. Hardy to zone 6.
Acorus gramineus 'Minimus
Aureus' (Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag) One of the most striking
and certainly the cutest of the sweet flags, this dwarf golden form
makes a slowly spreading tuft of tiny golden evergreen grass-like
foliage. A. 'Minimus Aureus' makes a bright little groundcover in moist
areas or as a feature between stepping stones... a real highlight in the
woodland garden. Part Sun to Light Shade. Zone: 5. 3" tall. |
Ammophila breviligulata (Cape
American Beach Grass)
Essential to the
character of eastern sandy beaches and dunes. The ultimate
erosion control for sandy soil and exposed locations. A
wide bladed grass with rhizomatous habit. Grows
18-24". Hardy zone 5.
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'
(stricta) (Feather Reed Grass)
A columnar, cool
season, medium-sized, early-blooming ornamental grass;
known for its late spring inflorescence, winter effect,
and vertical architectural lines. It is one of the first
grasses to come out of winter dormancy. The plumes appear
in June and can be enjoyed through the winter. The
distinctive vertical lines are a real asset. It is very
winter hardy to zone 4a which makes this plant a winner
for most residents of the USA. This grass looks great in
several clumps, and makes an excellent accent or
background plant. Plants in containers make attractive
specimens and survive most winters without protection.
This plant was selected in Germany by the late famous
horticulturist Karl Foerster. Hardy zone 5.
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam'
(Variegated Feather Reed Grass)
Very attractive with
white-variegated foliage forming an arching clump.
Clusters of wand-like flower spikes reaching 36"
tall, emerge pink-tinged in June, then dry to a gold
color through the rest of the growing season. An
excellent, cool season grass which is very effective when
planted in groups. Hardy to zone 5.
Calamagrostis arundinacea 'Brachytricha' (Korean Feather
Reed Grass)
This medium green clumping grass is a
rather tidy plant, flowering in late August, early September. Grows to
4' tall and has refined looking pinkish-white plumes atop established
clumps. The color gives way to a bronze tone that remains throughout the
fall. Feather reed grass is a fabulous accent plant, or great for dried
arrangements, one of the best and least known! Hardy to zone 5.
Carex buchananii (Leatherleaf Sedge)
unusual plant popular with designers because of its great
contrast capabilities. Tufted and erect in growth, the
narrow foliage is copper-bronze colored twelve months of
the year. A great contrast plant that grows to 2' tall
and does best in full sun. Hardy to zone 6.
Carex caryophyllea 'Beatlemania'
(Spring Sedge) Makes a deep green mop with
narrow foliage to 6 inches in height. Low groundcover which is evergreen
in warmer climates. Hardy to Zone 5. |
Carex comans 'Bronze'
(Bronze New Zealand Hairy Sedge) A
clumping New Zealand native to 12” with dense, fine textured
bronzy-brown foliage. Grows well in moist soil in full sun to part
Zone 7 . |
Carex comans 'Frosted Curls'
(Frosty Curled Sedge)
Silver white evergreen foliage with a slight curl.
Height 18-24 inches,
Clump Forming
Full Sun to Partial Shade Zone. 7 |
Carex flacca
Sedge) A tough
adaptable spreading 12” groundcover with glaucous-blue foliage that is
easily grown under most conditions in sun or shade.
Zone 4 . |
Carex glauca
A beautiful silver-blue
sedge growing only 6-24" tall. Flowers appear in
late spring. Strongly rhizomatous, slow but steady growth.
Useful as a groundcover. Drought tolerant. Prefers full
sun to partial shade. Hardy to zone 4.
Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'
(Korean Sedge) A carpet forming sedge. 1/2 inch wide, thick leathery
foliage. Strong cream colored margins running down the blade. A very
attractive sedge with uniform clumps. Makes a great addition to anyone's
garden. Hardy to Zone 5. |
Carex oshimensis
'Evergold' (Japanese
Sedge) A low clump grower with
attractive creamy-yellow and green foliage. Especially
effective in masses. It can be grown in full sun to part
shade in moist, well-drained soil. Hardy to zone 6.
Carex siderosticha 'Island
Brocade'  Lush, low growing
Japanese sedge with broad blades of lime green edged in gold. A glorious
ground cover with softly haired foliage that is almost velvety to the
12 in. Sun, Part Shade. Zone: 6 |
Carex testacea
(Orange New
Zealand Sedge) Clump forming, fine textured mound of foliage.
Grows to 15 inches in height. Copper-brown foliage throughout the
summer, adding orange hints during the winter. Great border sedge.
Enjoys moisture, and good drainage. Hardy Zone 6. |
Chasmanthium latifolium (Northern
Sea Oats)
Grows in loose, upright
clumps. The deciduous foliage is light green in sun, but
a deep green in the shade. In the fall, the leaves change
to a copper color. The showy inflorescence is a drooping,
flat spike of oat-like seed heads appearing in late July.
Like the foliage, they mature to a copper color. The
bamboo-like appearance creates a very interesting,
somewhat tropical effect. Grows to 2-3'. Prefers full sun
or partial shade. Hardy to zone 5.
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldehange' (Golden Pendant Tufted Hair Grass)
A clump
grower with bright yellow pendulous inflorescences that
open in June. Attractive by itself but especially
effective in masses. Tolerant of shade, but a better
bloomer in full sun. Hardy to zone 4.
Eragrostis trichodes (Sandlove Grass)
A cool
season, clumping grass with medium green foliage growing
1-2 ft. tall and spreading 18-24 inches wide.
Inflorescences in July and early August. Bears large,
nodding panicles of amethyst pink flowers that almost
obscure the foliage throughout the summer. This is a
stunning accent plant and the flowers are wonderful dried
and in fresh arrangement material. Drought tolerant. For
hardy zones 5-9.
Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue' (Blue Fescue)
texture. Bright metallic blue growing to 8" tall.
Prefers full Sun and is hardy to zone 4.
Festuca glauca 'Elijah's Blue'
(Blue Fescue)
A smaller and tighter
medium textured blue fescue that grows to only 8-10
inches tall with strong silver-blue color. Compact and
tufted. The buff color flowers on 15 inch stems, appear
in early summer. This has proven to be one of the most
popular fescues because of its size and tidy appearance
through the summer. Excellent as a groundcover. Hardy to
zone 5.
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' (Golden Variegated Hakone Grass)
A very attractive, low-growing grass.
Deep shade turns the variegation to a lime-green color. Give it more
sun, and it will be a charming bright gold. Cool temperatures will bring
out small hues of pink and red. Only grows to 14". Grows a bit slower
than the straight species. Zone 6.
Helictotrichon sempervirens (Blue Oat Grass)
This tall blue-gray
evergreen is a strictly clump forming grass from Europe.
One of our most popular grasses. Its foliage radiates out
from the center to form a bristling round dome of foliage
reaching 2 feet tall. Delicate inflorescences appear in
late spring and are erect and high above the foliage. Use
as an accent plant or in mass plantings. Moderately
drought tolerant. Plant in full sun to light shade in a
well drained soil. Hardy to zone 5.
Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Sapphire'
( Blue Oat Grass )
The blades of this selection are much finer
and slightly bluer than the type. Full grown plants are also slightly
smaller in scale. This is a very useful, drought-tolerant, evergreen
grass that holds its own as a specimen plant but is especially
attractive in mass plantings. Early Summer bloom. Tawny flowers
Part Shade Zone 4. |
Hierchloa oderata
Grass, Vanilla Grass) Native to wetland sites in North America. Native
Americans gave it the name of Seneca Grass. Grows to 2 feet in height
when in flower. Grows well in sun to part shade. Crush the foliage for a
strong sweet fragrance. Native Americans used for making fragrant
baskets. Hardy to Zone 4. |
Imperata cylindrica 'Red
Baron' (Japanese Blood Grass) A slowly spreading grass
originating in Japan. Remarkable red foliage puts this grass near
the top of many people's favorite list. Growing to about 20" tall, the
foliage starts out green at the base and red at the tips. As the season
goes on, the red will increase throughout the foliage, and becoming
solid beauty in the late summer and autumn. Enjoys moist, fertile soil
in full sun. Zone 6. |
Juncus effusus 'Frenzy' (Variegated
Corkscrew Rush)  Variegated A
very compact plant with curly leaves that have yellow and green
variegation with pink stripes. ZONE: - 5 Height: 6" to 8" |
Juncus effusus 'Unicorn'
(Giant Spiral Rush)
 This is a steroidally enhanced version
of the smaller corkscrew rushes but what an enhancement it is! The 18"
tall dark green heavily spiraled stems make a stunning attention-getting
specimen. J. 'Unicorn' grows best in a moist garden site or as a
marginal aquatic. Sun to Part Sun Zone: 4-9 18" tall. |
Juncus effusus (Corkscrew Rush)
The new foliage emerges
as tight coils, uncoiling as it grows to become a clump
and shooting out its coiled, dark green, round stems in
all directions. Growing about 2 feet tall and wide, this
evergreen rush is at home in moist soils or directly in
water planted up to 4" deep. Performs best in full
sun but will tolerate considerable shade. Slow to
establish. Popular in dried arrangements. Hardy to zone
Koeleria glauca (Large
Blue Hair Grass)
A semi-evergreen grass
with silvery-blue foliage, and shiny spike-like panicles
blooming in early summer. Grows to 2 feet tall. Used in
mass plantings for their attractive flowers or as
specimen plants in shady areas of a rock garden. Hardy
zone 6.
arenarius 'Blue Dune' (European Dune Grass)
A bright
blue, wide bladed grass with vigorous stoloniferous
growth habit. Does well in sandy soil and is excellent
for erosion control. A good substitute for American Beach
Grass. Hardy to zone 5.
Miscanthus sinensis
(Adagio Dwarf Japanese Silver Grass)
A superb dwarf miscanthus growing to
3-4’ with fine foliage and abundant white flowers opening with pinkish
tints. Strictly clump-forming and best grown in sun in moist,
well-drained soil.
Zone 6. |
sinensis 'Cabaret' (Variegated Japanese Silver Grass)
One of the boldest, and
most spectacular of all the Miscanthus. Leaves are cream
white in the center with wide dark green margins. A very
exciting new cultivar that grows to 6 feet tall.
Flowering stems are often suffused with pink in late
summer and autumn. This is a sturdy and upright growing
plant, making a dramatic statement in any garden.
Tolerates light shade. Hardy to zone 6.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Giganteus'
(Giant Chinese Silver Grass)
Grows to 10'-12' by early summer; fall plumes add more height; golden
fall color
Zone: 5. |
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'
(Maiden Grass)
One of the oldest
cultivars. A large grass reaching 6 ft. tall with a thin
leaf blade, giving it a finer texture than the other
Miscanthus. Its fan shaped inflorescence opens pink in
September and gradually fades to a golden brown, making
it attractive throughout the winter. Quite useful as a
background plant or as a specimen planting. Fall foliage
turns orange in cool climates. Hardy to zone 5.
sinensis 'Morning Light' (Variegated
Maiden Grass)
This variety has a
narrow blade and fine texture similar to Maiden grass but
with a variegation that is not pronounced and lends a
soft pale appearance to the plant. Blooms late with
reddish flowers. Growing to 5'. A good accent plant.
Plant in full sun to bring out its best color. Hardy to
zone 5.
Miscanthus sinensis
'Puenktchen' (Little Dot) This variety
has banded variegation similar to 'Strictus' with leaves
even more stiffly held and lower growing. Very spiky
texture. Zone 5.
sinensis 'Silberfeder' (Silver
Feather Maiden Grass)
A tall, clump forming
grass which is distinguished by its large, silver,
feathery plumes. The silky, silvery flowers appear in
late August or early September and are borne well above
the foliage, reaching to 7'. They dry to a buff color
after many weeks. Course, 3/4" wide, green foliage
grows in large, upright arching clumps. A striking
specimen or screen plant. Hardy to zone 6.
sinensis 'Silberpfeil' (Silver Arrow Variegated Maiden Grass)
Practically identical to the antique
cultivar, 'Variegata'. Strongly red tinted panicles put on a fire work
display above graceful, variegated foliage. Plant gets to about 7 feet
in height and is hardy to a Zone 5.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'
(Variegated Maiden Grass)
caerulea 'Skyracer' (Tall Moor Grass)
An interesting variety
with the clump only reaching 15-18" and unusually
tall plumes 7-8' shooting out in early summer. Beautiful
yellow fall color. Prefers full sun. Hardy to zone 5.
Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' (Variegated
Purple Moor Grass)
This variegated variety of Molinia
caerulea is a popular choice. The open clumps have long pointed blades
of white and green variegated foliage, and small dark brown to purple
seed heads in June that gradually fade to black. Growing to only18"
tall. Hardy zone 5.
capillaris (Pink Muhly Grass)
A beautiful grass from
south-eastern United States with stunning pink, delicate
flowering panicles that hover above the fine textured
olive-green foliage. The foliage of this grass reaches to
nearly 2 feet tall with the flowers topping 3 feet. The
flowers first appear in September and remain pink for
over a month, slowly aging towards brown into winter.
Although this grass comes from moister habitats, it is
surprisingly drought resistant. Looks best with an
occasional watering. Prefers full sun or light shade.
Hardy to zone 6.
tenuissima (Formerly Stipa tenuissima) (Mexican
Feather Grass)
Among the finest of all
ornamental grasses. A fine textured clumping grass which
occurs naturally from Texas to New Mexico south through
Central America to Chile. This grass forms wispy tufts to
2 ft tall and has wide bright green thread-like leaves.
In mid-summer the soft plume-like flower spikes form,
rising only slightly above the foliage. It is both
drought resistant and cold hardy to zone 6.
planiscapus 'Ebony Knight' (Black
Mondo Grass)
Nearly jet black leaves
make this a most unique specimen. Evergreen perennial,
slow grower, reaching 8 inches tall, with a 12 inch
spread. Pale pink flowers are followed by black fruit.
Regular to ample water, prefers moist, well drained soil.
White or lilac blossom in summer followed by black fruit.
Prefers partial shade. Hardy to zone 5.
virgatum 'Dallas Blue' (Blue
Switch Grass)
the most stunning forms. Upright grower with a powder
blue foliage. Topped in early fall with stunning large
plumes of reddish-purple flowers which appear distinct in
layers. Grows to 5' tall. Prefers full Sun. Hardy to zone
Panicum virgatum 'Heavy
Metal'-PS (Heavy Metal Switch Grass)
This variety has stiff metallic blue leaves and forms a tight
upright clump turns bright yellow in the fall. Flowers grow 30-45cm
above foliage and plants remain upright throughout winter. Zone: 3 |
Panicum virgatum 'Northwind
(Upright Switch Grass) 
From Roy Diblik of Northwind Perennial Farm comes another
fabulously different selection of our native switch grass...yes, it is
completely different. The wide, olive-green foliage makes the strongest
vertical accent of any of the switch grasses that we have grown. This
vigorous grower is topped in September with attractive narrow plumes,
held incredibly erect atop the foliage. Everyone who sees this rates Sun
Zone: 4-9 60" tall. |
virgatum 'Prairie Sky' (Blue Switch
Stiffly upright
metallic-blue foliage. Very similar in growth habit to P.
'Heavy Metal', but taller with less rigid habit, and more
powdery blue. In late summer billowing plumes of amber
brown top the clump. Hardy to zone 5.
virgatum 'Shenandoah' (Red
Switch Grass)
Unmatched for burgundy
fall color. Leaves are green in early summer, taking on
dark red tones by July and turning wholly wine-colored by
September. Approximately 4 ft tall with flower. Hardy to
zone 5.
alopecuroides (Fountain Grass)
Graceful foliage with
distinctive flower spikes in July that follow the same
weeping vase shaped lines. The seed heads are cylindrical
spikes 4-5 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. Dense
hair-like structures flow outward from each spikelet. A
tufted clump grower reaching 3-4'. On dewy mornings,
Fountain Grass is especially beautiful with droplets of
moisture held at the end of each hair. An exquisite
plant. Hardy to zone 5.
alopecuroides 'Hameln' (Dwarf Fountain
A lower growing
fountain grass reaching 24" tall. Masses of buff
colored inflorescences cover this plant July through
September. Fine textured leaves. Prefers full sun. Hardy
to zone 5.
alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' (Miniature
Fountain Grass)
A true miniature,
growing to only 12" when in bloom. Flowers in
August. Inflorescence lighter colored than species and is
held above the foliage. Excellent used in mass plantings
and rock gardens. Hardy to zone 5.
alopecuroides 'Moudry' (Black Fountain Grass)
This lush grass grows
in a clump to 2 feet tall with rich glossy leaves 1/2 to
3/4 inches wide. Blooms September to November, flowers
appear black. Expect seedlings of this plant in an
irrigated garden. Hardy to zone 5.
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Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty' (Millet)
This 2003 All-America Selections Gold Medal
Winner offers an ornamental, 4 to 5-ft. (1.2 to 1.5-m) variety with deep
purple foliage, stems and flower plumes. A striking backdrop plant and
excellent choice for mass plantings and borders, ‘Purple Majesty’
produces one to three main stems with cattail-like flower plumes, each
12 to 14 in. (30 to 35 cm) long. Secondary, 24-in. (60-cm) shoots may
appear on some plants. Young plants are green, but foliage turns dark
purple when plants are moved from the greenhouse outside to full sun.
Well-suited to 4-in. (10-cm) and gallon (8-in./20-cm standard pot)
programs. Available only in North America. |
Pennisetum orientale 'Karley
Rose'  This elegant new 3'
"Fountain Grass" forms a uniform clump of arching deep green blades that
erupt into intense smoky rose-purple flowers. A graceful accent or focus
for sun. A David Skwiot discovery. (Patented). Zone 5. |
setaceum 'Burgundy Giant' (Giant Red
Fountain Grass)
The boldest textured
fountain grass, with bronze-burgundy leaves. Hardy only
to 40 degrees. Recovers slowly from even a mildly cold
winter and might be best used as an annual. Large maroon
plumes bloom throughout the summer. Hardy to Zone 10.
setaceum 'Rubrum' (Red Fountain Grass)
A spectacular annual
with maroon blades and soft pink plumes reaching 2-3' in
a single season. This grass seems to be completely
evergreen (red) in frost free zones. Looks best if cut
back in late winter to expose new foliage. This clone is
sterile and controllable. Drought and heat resistant. Its
beauty lies in its long blooming period from late June
until frost. Good as a specimen or for accents. Hardy
Zone 9.
arundinacea 'Picta' (Ribbon Grass)
Green foliage, with a longitude band
of cream-white variegation. This grass has been a popular favorite for
many years. Doesn’t get pink highlights like other varieties. Hardy to
Zone 4.
arundinacea 'Strawberries & Cream' (Strawberry
and Cream Ribbon Grass)
A slightly less
vigorous form of Ribbon grass with the new foliage in the
spring. Leaves are green with prominent longitudinal
stripes, giving a slight pink tint to the blades. Useful
in the landscape because of its less invasive qualities.
Zone 4.
scoparium 'The Blues' (Little Blue Stem)
A clonal cultivar with
strongly glaucous, light blue stems. Grows to 4' tall. One of the most
characteristic grasses of the American Tallgrass prairie. Prefers full
sun. Hardy zone 3.
Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Blue
Stem) Virtually an indestructible,
low-maintenance grass that can survive a huge variety of conditions.
Drought to
flood, hot to cold, alkaline to acid. All making it the model prairie
grass that
it is. Gets 2-4 feet tall. Colorful foliage varies on conditions. Full
Prefers sloping ground. Hardy to Zone 3. |